Understanding Shark Attacks: Myths, Realities, and Conservation

Sharks are a unique species that tend to evoke fear and fascination in equal measure. But how dangerous are they to humans? Let’s dive deeper to understand the reality of shark attacks, the reasons behind them, and the conservation efforts in place to protect these magnificent creatures. Kelly Link, associate curator of fish & invertebrates at Georgia Aquarium, answers the most asked shark questions below: 

Understanding Shark Attacks: Myths, Realities, and Conservation 1

Are Sharks Dangerous to Humans?

Sharks are one of the ocean’s top apex predators and can be dangerous. Negative encounters do happen, but the likelihood is extremely low. In fact, you are more likely to win an Olympic medal, be struck by lightning, or be killed by a falling coconut. Sharks are not naturally interested in humans and do not see us as prey. Most interactions occur due to mistaken identity or curiosity rather than a predatory drive.

Why Do Sharks Attack Humans?

Human-related shark attacks are primarily cases of mistaken identity or exploratory behavior. For example, a shark might mistake a person on a surfboard for a sea turtle, or a swimmer for a sea otter. Since sharks lack hands, they use their mouths to investigate objects, which can sometimes result in a bite.

How Common Are Shark Attacks?

Shark attacks are incredibly rare. On average, there are about 60-65 unprovoked shark bites each year worldwide. Unprovoked bites occur without any human action that might incite the shark. Unlike provoked bites, where humans harass or attempt to feed sharks then, causing a shark to react. Of these bites, only about six a year are fatal. Considering the millions of people who enter the oceans every summer, the chances of encountering a shark are minimal. Statistically, a person is more likely to be hit by an asteroid than killed by a shark.

When Are Shark Attacks Most Likely to Happen?

While sharks can be active at any time of day, most attacks occur early in the morning or near sunset. To further reduce the chances of a shark encounter, avoid swimming during these times.

Which Shark Species Are Most Dangerous?

The great white shark, tiger shark, and bull shark are all considered the most dangerous to humans. Great whites and tiger sharks can grow quite large and are equipped with impressively powerful jaws. However, bull sharks can swim in both fresh and saltwater and are known to swim up rivers, increasing the chances of coming into contact with people.

Where Do Most Shark Attacks Occur?

Sharks follow their food, so they go where the fish go. Therefore, most shark encounters happen in inshore or near-shore waters, near sandbars, or steep drop-offs where sharks follow their prey. 

How Can Shark Attacks Be Prevented?

To minimize the risk of a shark encounter, consider the following tips:

– Be aware of your surroundings and stay close to shore.

– Swim in groups and avoid areas where people are fishing.

– Steer clear of murky water or waters with signs of bait fish.

– Avoid excessive splashing, which can attract sharks.

What Should You Do If You See a Shark While Swimming?

If you see a shark, stay calm and keep an eye on it while slowly and calmly moving away. Do not panic or splash excessively. Exit the water when it is safe to do so.

What Should You Do If You Get Attacked by a Shark?

In the unlikely event of a shark attack, aim to hit the shark in its sensitive areas, like the eyes or gills. Be aggressive in your efforts to free yourself and exit the water as quickly as possible once released.

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Sharks

Myth: Sharks are mindless man-eaters.

Reality: Sharks can actually be pretty picky about what they eat. They have varied diets, including mammals, fish, and invertebrates, but humans are not on their menu. Far from mindless, many sharks actually have fairly large brains—they are smart and curious with complex social behaviors.

Myth: All sharks are the same.

Reality: There are over 500 species of sharks, ranging from the tiny dwarf lantern shark, which is no more than 6 inches in length, to the massive whale shark, which can reach up to 60 feet in length.

Myth: Sharks can smell a single drop of blood from across the ocean.

Reality: While sharks have excellent olfactory systems, a single drop of blood will not attract them from far away.

Myth: Sharks must keep swimming, or they will drown.

Reality: Some sharks, like the white shark, need to keep swimming to breathe. This is because they are ram-ventilating, which means they need to swim continuously to push water over their gills. In contrast, buccal-pumping sharks, like the zebra shark, can actively pump water over their gills with their mouths. These sharks are able to lay on the bottom of the ocean.

What Role Do Sharks Play in the Ocean Ecosystem?

Sharks are apex predators, crucial for maintaining the balance in marine ecosystems. By regulating prey populations, they help prevent the overgrowth of algae on coral reefs and ensure the health of the ocean environment. The ecosystem is a delicate balance that can be easily thrown off when one piece is removed.

Do Sharks Have Natural Predators?

Yes, many sharks are both predators and prey. Larger sharks can prey on smaller ones, and young sharks can fall prey to larger fish like groupers or jacks. Even apex predators like great whites can be hunted by orcas. However, humans are considered to be the biggest predators on the planet and pose a much greater threat to sharks than they do to us. 

The Status of Shark Populations

Shark populations are in decline, with over 100 million sharks killed each year, primarily for their fins. Overfishing has led to a 70% reduction in shark populations globally, with around one-third of shark species threatened with extinction.

Conservation Efforts for Sharks

Efforts to protect sharks range from personal actions to international collaboration:

Personal Level: Consuming sustainable seafood, avoiding shark fin products, reducing  

carbon footprints, and educating others about sharks.

Government Actions: Creating Marine Protected Areas and Shark Sanctuaries, banning 

shark finning, and regulating shark trade.

International Cooperation: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered 

Species (CITES) and the UN High Seas Treaty aim to protect sharks across borders and 

international waters.

Studying Sharks and Their Behavior

Scientists study sharks using various methods, including tagging and tracking, underwater recordings, aerial surveys, and environmental DNA analysis. Facilities like Georgia Aquarium contribute to this research by observing shark behaviors and facilitating conservation projects:

Georgia Aquarium’s sharks can help expand the knowledge about shark species in many ways.  Our whale sharks were part of a project to sequence the full genome of the whale shark, the first project of its kind on sharks.  We can observe feeding and mating behaviors that might be difficult to see in the ocean.  We can also track morphometric changes over time to understand how quickly shark species grow and mature. Along with gestational data to help understand the duration and challenges of pregnancies. Our sharks and rays can also help researchers prepare for work in the field. One of our manta rays allowed researchers to test a suction cup tag that could be deployed on wild mantas. Blood draw techniques learned from our whale sharks allowed our team to get blood from wild whale sharks in Indonesia. Georgia Aquarium and many other partners are part of the StAR project in Indonesia.  The aim of this ambitious project is to repopulate the reefs in Raja Ampat, Indonesia, with zebra sharks bred from animals in aquariums around the world.  The goal is to raise and release 100 sharks per year to establish a self-sustaining population of zebra sharks.

In conclusion, while sharks can be dangerous, the risk they pose to humans is minimal. By understanding and respecting these incredible creatures, we can coexist with them while ensuring their conservation for future generations.

Operation Beluga: Rescuing Whales from Ukraine

On June 17 &18, 2024, marine mammal specialists from Georgia Aquarium, Oceanogràfic de Valencia, and SeaWorld assisted the NEMO Dolphinarium in rescuing two beluga whales from the war-torn region of Kharkiv, Ukraine. Dennis Christen, senior director of animal wellbeing and behavior at Georgia Aquarium, recounts the details of this momentous event below:


Recently, a team of experts, including myself, had the unique opportunity to assist in transporting two beluga whales, Plombir and Miranda. Moving beluga whales across international borders is no small feat. It requires precise planning, extensive coordination, and unwavering dedication from a team of professionals. Here’s a detailed account of this extraordinary mission.

Preparing for the Move

The preparation phase for this transport was a mammoth task involving numerous stakeholders and extensive communication. I worked closely with Daniel Garcia, Robert Gojceta, Keith Yip, and several others to ensure every detail was meticulously planned. Our communication spanned countless emails, Zoom calls, and WhatsApp messages.

One of the primary challenges we faced was setting up contact with a logistics company in Moldova to assist with importing transport gear from Spain and supporting our team on the ground. We coordinated meetings with customs agents and airport authorities in Moldova to streamline the process. Using transport plans and equipment lists from our beluga transports at Georgia Aquarium, we ensured all necessary supplies, including ice and potable water, were ready for the journey. This preparation phase was crucial in laying the foundation for a successful move.

Moving Day

Move day was a whirlwind of activity and emotions. It began on Monday with a series of critical meetings at Chisinau airport to align all stakeholders on the transport logistics. The day’s agenda was scheduled down to the hour, including the final setup of transport crates and coordinating a police escort for the transport truck from Kharkiv. 

Our colleague, Olga Shpak, was vital in ensuring timely communications and on-ground updates. Her efforts were invaluable, especially given the communication delays we faced. The transport left Kharkiv in the evening, and we received regular updates through the night as the convoy made its way to Moldova.

Upon arrival at the Moldova-Ukraine border, we encountered several challenges, including unexpected delays at customs and passport control. At the airport, we faced further complications. The plane was parked far from the loading zone, and we had to navigate multiple customs and security checks. Despite these setbacks, our team persevered, successfully loading the belugas onto the cargo plane. 

Meeting the Ukrainian Team

Seeing the animals and meeting the Ukrainian team for the first time was an emotional moment. The Ukrainian veterinary attendants were visibly emotional, reflecting the toll the journey had taken. Despite the language barrier, we communicated our gratitude and ensured they felt supported. The belugas were remarkably calm, a testament to their resilience and the care they received throughout the journey.

The physical demands of the move were immense. The long duration of the transport, coupled with the stress of navigating logistical challenges, tested our endurance. The loading process at the airport was particularly strenuous, involving a lot of physical activity in high-stress conditions. Despite the exhaustion, our team maintained a calm and collected demeanor, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the belugas.

Arrival at Oceanografic

Throughout the move, both belugas remained surprisingly calm. I accompanied Plombir and Miranda at various stages, and their behavior was a reassuring indicator of their wellbeing. The flight to Valencia was smooth, and the low-frequency vibrations of the plane seemed to have a calming effect on the whales.

Arriving at Oceanografic in Valencia was a triumphant moment. The warm welcome from the staff and the successful transfer of Plombir and Miranda to their new home marked the culmination of our efforts. The Oceanografic team’s expertise and enthusiasm were evident as they seamlessly took over the care of the belugas.

Media Frenzy and the Importance of this Story

The media attention surrounding this story highlights the broader significance of our mission. It underscores the resilience of the Ukrainian animal caretakers and the vital role of zoos and aquariums in animal rescue and conservation. Sharing this story brings awareness to the challenges faced by both humans and animals in conflict zones and the incredible efforts made to protect and care for them.

Plombir and Miranda’s journey also emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in animal welfare. It demonstrates how various organizations and individuals can come together to overcome significant challenges and achieve a common goal. This mission has captivated the public’s imagination, offering a glimpse into the often unseen world of animal rescue and the dedication of those involved.

Conclusion: Collaboration is Borderless

This mission was not just about transporting belugas; it was a testament to the power of collaboration. Working alongside dedicated professionals like Keith, Daniel, and Robert was a rewarding experience. Daniel’s leadership and Robert’s extensive knowledge were particularly impressive, and the camaraderie we developed during this mission will undoubtedly lead to lifelong friendships.

The successful transport of Plombir and Miranda was a monumental achievement, made possible by the dedication and collaboration of a diverse team of professionals. This mission highlighted the logistical complexities of moving beluga whales across borders and underscored the deep compassion and resilience of all those involved. The collaboration between Oceanogràfic de Valencia, SeaWorld, NEMO Dolphinarium, Shedd Aquarium, and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums was instrumental in the meticulous planning and successful execution of this transport. It was an honor to be part of this incredible journey. I look forward to the continued care and wellbeing of Plombir and Miranda in their new home. 


For the official press release, click here.

Two beluga whales rescued from Ukrainian aquarium evacuated to Spain

Oceanografic de Valencia, Georgia Aquarium and SeaWorld collaborate with Ukraine’s NEMO Dolphinarium on heroic evacuation from Kharkiv.

Marine mammal care specialists from Oceanogràfic de Valencia, Georgia Aquarium and SeaWorld assisted the NEMO Dolphinarium in Ukraine on June 17-18 with a heroic rescue of two beluga whales from the war-ravaged region of Kharkiv. The city is facing increasing threat from artillery fire, which has intensified in recent weeks, with bombs dropping within a few hundred meters of the aquarium.

Two beluga whales rescued from Ukrainian aquarium evacuated to Spain 3The high-risk, complex rescue operation presented numerous challenges and required multi-national collaboration. The belugas, a 15-year-old male named Plombir and a 14-year-old female named Miranda, arrived in Valencia in delicate health on the evening of June 18, following a grueling journey across the war zone. Their evacuation included a dangerous 12-hour drive from Kharkiv to Odesa. From there the Ukrainian caregivers met the international team from Oceanogràfic, Georgia Aquarium and SeaWorld who quickly conducted health checks and continued onward to Moldova border where the European Anti-Fraud Office, part of the European Commission, served a crucial role in speeding up the border crossing. A six-seater chartered plane awaited the rescue team in Chisinau to fly onward to Valencia where the General Director of Natural and Animal Environment of Valencia, Raúl Mérida, met the rescue team at the Valencia airport.

The president of the Valencia region Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, said, “This courageous rescue constitutes a historic milestone worldwide in terms of animal protection. It is an honor that the Oceanogràfic has rescued these two belugas from the horror of the war in Ukraine. They have experienced a difficult situation in recent months, and the experts at Oceanogràfic will be working intensely to help them recover.”

Oceanogràfic Valencia is the largest aquarium in Europe and the only one on the continent that has belugas in its facilities. In addition, it is the closest marine conservation center to Ukraine and is accredited by the most rigorous international organizations in animal welfare.

“The war has caused food, energy and medicine shortages, reducing access to other basic necessities for animal care as well as technical supplies necessary for the logistics of such a sensitive rescue,” said Dr. Daniel Garcia-Párraga, director of zoological operations at Oceanografic.  “The belugas have a suboptimal body condition to undertake this type of trip, but if they had continued in Kharkiv, their chances of survival would have been very slim.”

Since the war began in 2022, the dolphinarium has been bravely evacuating animals, including seals, sea lions and dolphins, as quickly as it could, but moving belugas is an extremely complex logistical operation due to their size and specific needs. It required months of preparations and the participation of international experts.

“It is yet another example of how accredited aquariums and zoos respond when animals are in danger bringing the specialized expertise and trusted skills developed by caring for wildlife every day,” said Dan Ashe, President and CEO of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).  “It’s not just what we do. It’s who we are. I applaud AZA members Oceanografic, Georgia Aquarium and SeaWorld, for convening the world’s most elite team of marine mammal experts to work with the Ukrainian aquarium on what is likely the most complex marine mammal rescue ever undertaken.”

Two beluga whales rescued from Ukrainian aquarium evacuated to Spain 4“The complexities of this evacuation were immense, and we have been working for weeks to prepare for it. I’m humbled to have been trusted to provide the belugas care and protection during their long journey to their new home. My heart is with the Ukrainian caregivers and the people of Kharkiv who had to say goodbye to Miranda and Plombir. It’s not an easy thing to do, but it was best for them. I’m proud to have played a role in helping them,” said Dennis Christen, senior director of animal wellbeing & behavior, Georgia Aquarium.

“The belugas’ health and safety was our top priority, and these were challenging conditions, including rough roads, rising temperatures and the inherent risks of being in an active war zone,” said Keith Yip, Animal Care Specialist, SeaWorld. “The Ukrainian caregivers were very brave, and the whole team involved did everything possible to provide the belugas comfort and safety during the evacuation to Valencia. I’m proud to have been able to share the specialized expertise needed to support the complex logistics for this collaborative rescue operation.”

The belugas are being provided with a specialized team of medical, nutritional and behavioral experts at Oceanografic to assist in recovery from the traumas they have endured. Two Ukrainian caregivers are staying with them for the first couple weeks to help with their transition and care.

“The belugas are being cared for in separate areas that are not accessible or viewable by the public while they undergo recovery and acclimation,” said Garcia. “We will be providing updates on their health and well-being as things evolve. We are extremely grateful to everyone who assisted in this rescue.”


VISUALS:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nv9_96tHfB9Kj1FqenmOxQftrno-GFxX?usp=drive_link


To learn more about Oceanografic, click here.

Two beluga whales rescued from Ukrainian aquarium evacuated to Spain


Oceanografic: Jose Serra, jserra@oceanografic.org

Georgia Aquarium: Jessica Wood,  jwood@georgiaaquarium.org

SeaWorld: Nicole Bott, nicole.bott@unitedparks.com

Stop illegal wildlife trafficking! Georgia Aquarium convenes zoos, aquariums and animal-care facilities to join forces against the dangerous trade

Illegal wildlife trafficking is a rampant and serious problem that most people don’t know much about, but it is leading to the decimation of endangered species around the globe. Over the past decade, more than 50,000 live animals have been illegally trafficked into the United States.  Conducted by increasingly sophisticated criminal syndicates, it’s a multi-billion-dollar transnational trade, lagging only drugs, arms, and human trafficking in profitability.

Every year, U.S. law enforcement officials seize thousands of animals trafficked across our borders and through ports of entry, and the Southeast is among the busiest for this work. Too often, illegally smuggled wildlife is malnourished, in poor condition, or doesn’t survive the ordeal. Zoos and aquariums are frequently called upon by wildlife officers to urgently treat and house rescued species. News of these rescues is rarely shared publicly because the confiscations become legal cases that must be handled with discretion.

Georgia Aquarium is a longstanding, trusted partner to wildlife law enforcement officers. The Aquarium has provided expert care for nearly 1,000 confiscated animals, providing a safe haven, medical treatment, long-term care, and, in some cases, a forever home. Nearly half of all the confiscated animals taken in by the Aquarium are corals – and that number continues to climb. “Coral reefs support some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet,” said Kim Stone, director of fishes and invertebrates at Georgia Aquarium. “Thousands of marine animals depend on coral reefs for survival – they provide shelter, spawning grounds and protection from predators. They also support organisms at the base of ocean food chains. As reef ecosystems collapse, already at-risk species may face extinction.”


The Aquarium currently has more than 250 confiscated animals in its permanent exhibits. In addition to coral, the Aquarium built an entire exhibit dedicated to freshwater motoro rays that were confiscated in 2017 and are now part of the Aquarium’s permanent residents – and an important guest touch point where docents talk about the dangers of wildlife trafficking.


Now, Georgia Aquarium is leading an effort to bring an innovative conservation initiative to the Southeast region to combat this grave problem. On April 23rd, the Aquarium hosted a meeting of U.S. government and state wildlife enforcement representatives, zoos, aquariums, and other animal-care facilities to explore creating a Wildlife Confiscations Network in the Southeast.  An innovative conservation initiative led by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Wildlife Confiscations Network first launched in October 2023 as a pilot program in Southern California. Since then, more than 1,300 animals have received care and placement through the network.


The meeting laid the groundwork for developing a formalized system for emergency response when wildlife is confiscated and requires immediate, specialized medical care and housing. It’s an important step to provide relief for this intensifying problem that highlights the critically important role of accredited zoos and aquariums in providing world-class care for wildlife at a moment’s notice when no other resources are available.


“As a community of conservationists, we are united in our commitment to safeguard the planet’s precious biodiversity,” said Stone. “Georgia Aquarium’s goal is to create a network that serves as a lifeline for all species caught in the crosshairs of illegal trafficking.”


Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of this important resource in our efforts to combat illegal wildlife trafficking and prevent further harm to endangered species around the globe.

St. Helena Diary: Marine Awareness Week

By Kim Stone – Director of Fishes and Invertebrates

St. Helena is a Mission Blue recognized Hope Spot in honor of the island’s ongoing initiatives to manage and monitor its marine environment as well as to grow a sustainable economy. Georgia Aquarium works with the St. Helena National Trust and Marine Conservation Section promoting conservation and education on the island and contributing to ongoing marine research.

Day 1 – Island Tour

March 10, 2024

Today commenced an unforgettable journey on St. Helena. We started our week-long adventure touring the island from dawn to dusk with a local guide. Throughout the tour, I was enthralled by the island’s rich culture, history, and biodiversity. Spanning 47 square miles, St. Helena offers a striking contrast between its two sides. One resembles a barren planet, vast and desolate – while the other is a lush paradise teeming with wildlife and vegetation. It was like witnessing two worlds within a single island half the size of Atlanta. 

Throughout the day, I absorbed every detail shared by our guide, learning about the history and becoming immersed in the lives of its native people.

Day 2 – Marine Plastics Research

March 11, 2024

Today was an incredibly fulfilling day spent with the St. Helena National Trust team. We joined the group at ‘Sandy Bay,’ to assist with their ongoing research project involving collecting and studying plastic particles that wash up on the beach with the outgoing tides. It was disheartening to witness the impact of human activity on such a picturesque coastline.

By analyzing the properties of these plastics, we aim to identify their quantity and source of origin. This will give us a better look at the overall and long-term effects they have on the surrounding waters. This valuable data will contribute to global microplastic studies, informing policies and practices worldwide. 

As we diligently collected the debris, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of purpose, knowing that our efforts were part of a larger initiative to understand and combat the scourge of plastic pollution. Our actions today will have ripple effects beyond just this beach. It’s moments like these that remind me of the importance of environmental stewardship and the power of collective action in preserving our planet’s precious ecosystems.

Day 3 – Setting Sail

March 12, 2024

Today’s boat ride with members of the Marine Conservation Section and National Trust, along with government diplomats, was both exciting and educational. While we only managed to spot one whale shark from a distance, the discussions about oceanic conservation efforts were truly enlightening. It was inspiring to hear about the ongoing work to protect the marine ecosystems in St. Helena.

Despite the limited sightings, I was grateful for the opportunity to share insights into shark conservation, particularly regarding the care of whale sharks. Every conversation and interaction brings us closer to understanding and safeguarding these magnificent creatures. Here’s hoping for more fruitful encounters and meaningful discussions as our journey continues.

Day 4 – A Day on the Shorebird Survey

March 13, 2024

Today, I embarked on a captivating journey alongside two members of the St. Helena Nation Trust for their biweekly shorebird survey. Our expedition led us along the undulating coastline of St. Helena, where we ventured for miles, encountering the nests of the island’s resident masked boobies perched atop the coastal cliffs. These birds hold a special significance, serving as focal points for our conservation efforts to understand their migratory patterns and populations.

Witnessing the unique bond between the masked boobies, highlighted by their ritual of gift-giving with pebbles, was truly remarkable. Each return to the nest brought forth a symbol of affection, meticulously arranged in a circle pattern, echoing the enduring commitment of these avian parents.

After a day filled with exploration and insights into the island’s rich biodiversity, we joined the local community for their weekly fish fry. Amongst the aroma of freshly cooked fish and the sounds of laughter, we shared tales of our adventures, reaffirming the deep sense of connection that unites us all on this island paradise.

Day 5 – Whale Shark Wonder

March 14, 2024

Today, I joined a boat ride with the National Trust team, hoping to spot whale sharks before our departure. Luck favored us, and we encountered two of these gentle giants, allowing us to gather valuable data for ongoing research. It was a fitting end to our expedition, reinforcing the importance of marine conservation and leaving us with lasting memories of St. Helena’s beauty.

The evening was dedicated to advocating for the conservation of our oceans and the creatures within, with a particular focus on sharks. Through public talks, we shared our passion for protecting and preserving marine life, highlighting the vital research and care efforts underway at Georgia Aquarium. By offering firsthand insights into our daily interactions with sharks, we aimed to transform fear into respect and fascination among our audience, fostering a desire to safeguard these creatures for future generations.

Day 6 – Fare(whale) St. Helena

March 15, 2024

Today marked our final day on St. Helena island; a mix of excitement and sadness filled the air. I joined a boat ride with the Marine Center team and with local students to kick start their Marine Awareness Week. It felt very fitting that our journey began with a similar sense of purpose as when it began – setting out to explore the wonders of the ocean that surrounds this remote island. Marine Awareness Week on St. Helena Island aims to educate and inspire the next generation of ocean stewards. I was honored to be a part of this initiative, which steams back to Georgia Aquarium’s mission of inspiring awareness & preservation of our ocean and aquatic animals worldwide.

As we bid farewell to this remarkable island, I’m grateful for the experiences and lessons learned here. This trip serves as a reminder of the vital importance of protecting our oceans and their inhabitants. 

Final Thoughts:

This trip has been an unforgettable blend of discovery and purpose. From immersing myself in the island’s native culture to marveling at its incredible wildlife, every moment has left a lasting impression. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect as our visit coincided with the island’s Marine Awareness Week. 

Throughout the week, we engaged with locals, spreading knowledge and fostering appreciation for the marine life that graces these waters. Partnering with the St. Helena National Trust and Marine Conservation Section, we worked towards advocating for policies that protect these precious species and their habitats. It’s been a successful journey filled with hope and inspiration for the future of conservation efforts on this island. As we head back to Atlanta, I carry a renewed commitment to continue making a difference in preserving our oceans. 

Until we meet again, St. Helena, you’ll hold a special place in my heart.

Georgia Aquarium Formalizes International Partnerships to Promote Marine Conservation

Georgia Aquarium, the largest aquarium in the Western Hemisphere, recently formalized conservation partnerships with two of Japan’s preeminent aquariums. The three aquariums share a unique distinction: their care for endangered whale sharks and manta rays. It’s a unique privilege and responsibility that few zoological organizations in the world share.

Georgia Aquarium is partnering with Okinawa Churashima Research Foundation, including its Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium and Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium, to collaborate on marine conservation strategies, share learnings, and exchange expertise. The partnership between the organizations will focus on endangered species, including whale sharks, manta rays, and coral reefs.

“We are proud to formalize our partnership in a joint quest to protect marine biodiversity,” said Brian Davis, Ph.D., president and CEO of Georgia Aquarium. “Together, we can leverage our combined expertise and resources to foster groundbreaking research and conservation initiatives that promise a brighter future for marine ecosystems worldwide.”

The agreement fosters long-term cooperation in research, conservation, animal care, and staff development. It includes commitments for joint research programs, data sharing, staff exchanges, and public education initiatives. With an initial term of 10 years and options for renewal, the partnership is intended to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of marine environments.

Representatives from Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan also visited Georgia Aquarium to get a first-hand look at operations here. “The exchange of staff and expertise between our two aquariums will foster innovation and new approaches to protecting marine life,” Davis added. “Our collaboration also promises to amplify our public education efforts, raising awareness about the critical need for marine conservation and inspiring action within our communities.”

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