Celebrate With Us

Celebrate Coral Reef Awareness Week by discovering the unique and vital role coral plays in our oceans. We all know it’s beautiful to look at, but did you know that coral houses more than 25% of aquatic species? Talk about more than just a pretty face! This marine animal is one of the most exceptional creatures living in our oceans. Unfortunately, threats such as rising water temperature and pollution are increasingly jeopardizing the survival of our coral reefs. With 60% of the world’s reefs at risk, it’s up to us to help save this endangered species.

Let’s change the way we think about coral. Learn about the importance of coral in our oceans. Become aware of its biggest threats and take simple steps to minimize your impact. Be a part of the wave of change that will save our coral reefs.

To start your journey to becoming a coral reef protector, explore the many educational resources we have to offer. Then, visit the Aquarium to see for yourself the beautiful and crucial part coral plays in our ecosystems.

Coral Facts

What Are the Main Threats Corals Face?

  • Coral reefs face many threats, primarily from carbon dioxide, rising ocean temperatures, careless water practices, coral mining and damage from oxybenzone (a chemical found in most sunscreens).

What would happen if corals disappeared?

  • The ocean fishing industry, that employs approximately 38 million people worldwide, would collapse.
  • Corals reefs form natural coastline barriers. Without them, storm damage to the coast would increase significantly.
  • Marine life would suffer, with many disappearing, as incredibly important spawning and feeding grounds would no longer exist.
  • As much as $375 billion would be lost annually for near-reef economies due in part to the loss of local tourism and commercial fishing.

How can you help?

  • Use a coral-safe sunscreen next time you go to the beach. Some things to look for when shopping for a coral-safe sunscreen include: oxybenzone-free, clear zinc-free, nano-free and paraben-free.
  • Participate in community level initiatives, such as ride share programs or public transportation, to decrease your carbon footprint.
  • Support legislation for energy efficient building practices and products.

Georgia Aquarium & Coral

  • Georgia Aquarium houses both hard and soft coral.
  • More than 30% of the Indo Pacifc Barrier Reef exhibit is live coral.
  • We’re proud to partner with the Coral Restoration Foundation in Key Largo, Florida to help restore coral reefs.
Coral Reef Awareness Week 8

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